Meet Brigader Jason Kajbaf

      Jason Kajbaf

Western University of Health Sciences, Medical Student Year 2


"Learning and refreshing the skills I learned throughout my year of medical school was nice; however, I would have to say that the thing that meant the most to me was definitely meeting the people of Nicaragua and seeing their great level of genuine kindness and appreciation for providing standard and routine care, that is taken for granted back here in the states.

Favorite moment:
My favorite moment of the entire trip was meeting two brothers, Alvarado and Agosto, the two most adorable kids who were constantly smiling and laughing, but when it came to taking a picture with them, they were completely serious. Anyways, I spent nearly thirty minutes with these two kids, trying to have a conversation in Spanish (given my Spanish is extremely lousy), and attempting to teach them how to do a proper American "Fist Pump;" although they did not get the concept down completely, they managed to add a bit of Nicaraguan flare to it. This was definitely my favorite moment: chatting with two ordinary Nicaraguan boys, Alvarado and Agosto."

Recapturing THE BRIGADE - 
Nap time after a hard days work
Freesia and Jason working on the latrines, with a bit of added fun, of course.

The students of WesternU who helped making a latrine for a Nicaraguan family.

Pictured here (from left to right): Matthew Robinson, Freesia Parekh, Jason Kajbaf, Scott Buzin. On the last day of our trip to Nicaragua, the students were given the day off to have an adventure in the Nicaraguan jungles.

Pictured (from left to right): Matthew Robinson, Scott Buzin, Jason Kajbaf. During the first day of clinics, these students (with little to no Spanish experience) dug deep into their tool belts to find a way to entertain this little child while Matt attempted to obtain a blood pressure.

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